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Totally Made Up Tales

Dec 22, 2016

This episode we have two stories. Carlos and his Wife make a difficult journey. Meanwhile, the Lonely Skunk lives a troubled life in the forest.

Music: Creepy —


Andrew:    Here are some Totally Made Up Tales, brought to you by the magic of the internet.
    We begin this week with Carlos and His Wife.

Dec 9, 2016

Our main story in this episode is The Curse of the Royal Soil: A Marvellous Tale of the Sleeping Princess, the Watcher of Flowers and the Unfortunate Messenger and the Hardships that Befell and how things came to Pass in the End. Preceded by a couple of shorts: first, Mr McGregor gets his comeuppance, and then we meet...

Nov 22, 2016

In episode 7, we meet King Dubious III in the last days of his reign, and join Keith McGreggor as he comes out of retirement to investigate The Bad Debtor.

Music: Creepy –


Andrew:    Here are some totally made up tales, brought to you by the magic of the internet. We begin with the Sealed...

Oct 7, 2016

In episode 6, we finish the story of the Rosewood Unicorn, along with meeting Theresa who runs a comforting bookshop, and seeing what happens when the Dean Drops In.

Music: Creepy –



Here are some totally made-up tales brought to you by the magic of the internet.



We start...

Sep 23, 2016

In this episode: the first part of The Rosewood Unicorn. Subscribe to get every episode of Totally Made Up Tales.

Music: Creepy –


Once upon a time, there was a man called Phillip who owned a small shop. In his shop, he stocked mostly wooden toys, but also, these days, a few plastic and metal ones,...